AIRS Motion Videos

Motion Design

I designed and animated 50+ motion graphic videos for the AIRS app, a stress management app produced by the Naval Health Resource Center for Navy personnel. The videos use scientific methods to teach users how to manage stress more effectively.

Client: Naval Health Resource Center
Role: Design, Animation, Motion
_1-4-1 (0;00;50;10)
_1.6 (0;01;14;06)
_1.7.4-2 Shifting Quick Coherence and Prep (0;00;33;16)
_1.7.3.1-2 (0;01;18;29)
_1.4 (0;00;55;22)
_1.7.3.1-2 (0;02;13;18)
_1.9.1 Physiological Self Regulation (0;02;25;13)
_1.7.3.1-2 (0;00;50;17)